Visit Port Discover in December for Snowflakes Everywhere
Kesha Williams
December 04, 2006
"Snowflakes Everywhere" is the theme for the December "Monthly Make-Its" at Port Discover. What do snowflakes look like up close? How do snowflakes form? What are some of the most common shapes of snowflakes? Children visiting Port Discover during the month of December will learn about snowflakes, create their own unique snowflake ornament, and maybe even make some real snow! Port Discover thanks Melissa Harnley, kindergarten teacher at Grandy Primary, for creating the December monthly make-it. "Snowflakes Everywhere" is free and anyone visiting Port Discover can participate. Port Discover is located at 613 E. Main Street. Port Discover’s regular hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. During the holidays, Port Discover will be closed on December 25 and 26 and January 1. For more information visit or call 252-338-6117. Port Discover is a community-based, non-profit organization, established to enhance the public’s understanding and enjoyment of science through engaging programs, activities, and exhibits. Elizabeth City State University along with the Elizabeth City Area Chamber of Commerce initiated the project that has attracted broad community support, including Elizabeth City Morning Rotary, College of the Albemarle, Albemarle Hospital, Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Public Schools.