Viking supporters applaud donations during Homecoming 2010 game
Kesha Williams
November 08, 2010
Homecoming 2010 was another special time for ECSU. First, Alumni Relations reported two donations. The class of 1970 donated $7,000, and the class of 1980 donated $3,000 as their class gift.
The Home Depot was prominent during Homecoming Day festivities and distributed give-away items from a branded tent showcasing the home improvement retailer’s Retool Your School grant program. During half time of the football game, The Home Depot presented their $50,000 donation for a new baseball field at ECSU. The university won the grant earlier in the year during The Home Depot’s Retool Your School grant program contest. ECSU competed with 61 Historically Black Colleges and Universities for the grant. On Friday, October 29, Chancellor Gilchrist, ECSU staff, the Pep Squad, the drumline from the marching band, and the baseball team traveled to The Home Depot’s retail store in Kitty Hawk, N. C., to greet shoppers and staff at the store in celebration of the Retool Your School grant program. Staff from The Home Depot and the ECSU baseball team also participated in the Homecoming 2010 parade.&nbsp
As part of the half time presentations, Honda Battle of the Bands presented a $1,000 contribution to the ECSU marching band to be used for student scholarships.
Mr. William Smith, vice chancellor for Institutional Advancement, said he was pleased to receive all the donations that will enhance fundraising efforts at ECSU.