The Symphony Orchestra holds fall concert November 16
Kesha Williams
September 20, 2008
The ECSU Albemarle Symphony Orchestra will perform musical works by Johann Sebastian Bach at 6 p.m., on November 16 in the auditorium of the Mickey L. Burnim Fine Arts Center. This performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s music is the first concert of the year for the ECSU Albemarle Symphony Orchestra. His Concerto for Two Violins will feature two of the orchestra’s violinists, accompanied by the ECSU Orchestra’s strings section. The wind, brass, and percussion sections will perform a transcription of Bach’s Chorale Prelude, " Wir glauben all’an einen Gott." For the final piece of the concert, all sections of the orchestra come together for Leopold Stokowski’s transcription of Fugue in G Minor, nicknamed "The Shorter or The Little." For more information, call Dr. Janine Parnell, 252-335-3363. There is no admission fee for the concert.