Student wins top two awards at McNair research symposium and awards ceremony
Kesha Williams
July 06, 2010
Robert Mason, a senior in Engineering Technology, won the top two awards at the Fifteenth Annual Ronald McNair Scholar Research Symposium and Awards Ceremony on June 30 at ECSU. Mason, worked with his faculty mentor, Dr. Akbar Eslami, a professor in the Technology Department on a research project, "Computer Digital Image Processing in Quality Inspection-Reverse Engineering Approach." Mason won first place in the poster presentation and oral presentation categories. He competed against 17 other students whose majors were accounting, biology, criminal justice, business and marketing, mathematics, sociology and computer science. The projects were related to their majors and they worked with 10 ECSU faculty mentors.
Dr. Cheryl J Lewis Jackson is the principal investigator/ director of the McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program. Assistants included Mrs. Gwen H. Cooper, administrative support associate Ms. Wanda-Marie Carey, resident/lab assistant, Mr. Carl Morrison, resident/lab assistant.