Quiana Abner bears mace for ECSU
Kesha Williams
December 15, 2008
Quiana Anitra Abner, of South Mills, N.C., earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a 3.834 cumulative grade point average and was the ECSU Bearer of the Mace for the Fall 2008 Commencement Convocation. The Mace, representing the ceremonial symbol of authority, is borne by the non-transfer graduating senior who has the highest cumulative grade point average. The Mace is 70 inches tall and consists of three dynamic centers of significant components. The focal point is a replica of a Viking’s head, cast in bronze, with brass rays extending from the center depicting knowledge, enlightenment, wisdom and democracy, a bronze seal of the university adorns the reverse side. Approximately 138 students graduated from Elizabeth City State University on December 13 at the R. L. Vaughan Center.