Online training sessions for faculty staff, and students
Kesha Williams
December 07, 2009
Nearly a year has passed since the Instructional Classroom at the G. R. Little Library opened. &nbspStaff there say the facility is a wonderful addition to the services previously available.
A $17,516 Library Services &amp Technology Services Act grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services allowed staff to purchase 13 newly equipped computers and workstations, 1 fully handicap accessible unit. These computers have increased access to online scholarly databases. Over 120 electronic databases are available for faculty, staff, student or the public’s use. Users will find a wide selection of academic journals, literature, science sources and more that reflect the 37 degree programs offered at the university.
Mr. Dennis Brown, information literacy librarian, leads weekly instructional sessions at the library. Faculty bring their classes to the Instructional Classroom. Brown shows them how effective the databases can be to their research projects.
"One of the advantages of the classroom is the students can follow along when I make my presentations. On a large screen, students watch as I go online and find the databases. The room has a total of 20 computers," Brown said. "In the past, a student had to make notes and later search for the databases. Now the entire class can learn this process at one time. They can ask questions that may be related to their search databases related to their research topic."
When the room is not in use for classroom instruction, faculty and staff workshops and training sessions are held there. Dr. Damon R. Wade, interim director for the office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Assessment used the instructional classroom to conduct four WEAVE workshops.&nbsp WEAVE Online is a web-based assessment management system used to capture campus-wide assessment information.&nbsp Over 30 employees participated in his workshops. Wade said he and the staff found the space exceptionally suited to carry out web-based workshops.&nbsp The technical equipment in the space is responsive and will suit the needs of instructors, proctors, or trainers.
Dr. Juanita Midgette, director of the library services G. R. Little Library is confident other faculty and staff will find the facility far more useful than previous methods of instruction.
&nbsp"This laboratory allows us to serve faculty, staff and students like never before.&nbsp Mr. Brown has led sessions for new freshmen, area students attending summer academic programs and graduate students," Midgette said. "I’m confident more faculty and staff will enjoy this classroom next year. Since this is a public library, we welcome requests for public instruction as well."
The Instructional Classroom is part of the library’s Media Center. Other rooms of the Media Center include the multi-media workroom and the Claude Green Computer Laboratory.
Pictured are Dr. Juanita Midgette, director of library services at the G. R. Little Library, reviews databases available in the library’s multi-media workroom.&nbsp Mr. Dennis Brown, information literacy librarian in the background, leads weekly instructional sessions at the library’s Instructional Classroom.