NSF grant $99848 funds Summer Bridges Program
Kesha Williams
July 20 2010
Dr. Ali Khan provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs received $99848 for the VA/NC Alliance for Minority Participation project from the University of Virginia. ECSU recruits admits and retains approximately 25 students for its pre-college Summer Bridges enrichment program. Participants improve their analytical and critical thinking skills. The Summer Bridges program consists of intensive daily sessions over a four-week period academic instruction by university faculty hands-on laboratory activities that develop problem solving skills verbal and quantitative reasoning skills and presentations that will inform the students of career options open to students with degrees in science technology engineering or mathematics. This grant will be used to fund the Summer Bridges Program and research assistance activities during the 2010-2011 academic year. The grant is funded by the National Science Foundation. Mr. Warren Poole is the campus coordinator for this program.