New collection of science and religion books available at G. R. Little Library
Kesha Williams
January 17, 2012
Elizabeth City State University’s newest collection of books covering the realms of science and religion will be showcased during an open house at G. R. Little Library.
Members of the general public are welcome, along with students, faculty and staff, to attend the open house scheduled for 2 to 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, on the second floor of G. R. Little Library. Tea will be served.
ECSU was one of 150 colleges and universities across the globe to receive the 250-volume set compiled by and donated though a grant by the International Society for Science and Religion based in Cambridge, England. Topics span important areas and disciplines of science and religion ranging from Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Taoism and Confucianism to ecology, psychology, physics, neuroscience and biotechnology.
"Students who are studying biology can find resources on bioethics in this collection. Students studying Islam also can find materials," said Susan Geiger, reference librarian at G. R. Little Library. "A lot of the books are classics and they offer a way for people to get into these subjects," she said.
The books will become part of the university’s permanent collection and are available for checkout. Library privileges also are available to the public, Geiger said.
For more information about the International Society for Science and Religion and a complete catalogue and description of the collection, go to