Military Science Department announces cadets on Dean’s List and other award winners
Posted On May 2, 2011
Kesha Williams
May 02, 2011
The Military Science Department at Elizabeth City State University recently held its annual military ball and announced a host of award winners.&nbsp Award categories ranged from academics to physical fitness tests where cadets are expected to excel as they progress toward the day when they will complete the program and become commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants in the U. S. Army.
To the delight of Lt. Col. Troy Barnes and staff in the Military Science Department, 13 cadets are on the Dean’s List – the list reserved for students who earned a grade point average between 3.5 and 3.74. The students appear left to right:&nbsp
Sean Gionet | Freshman | South Mills, NC |
Ashley Smith | Junior | Newport News, Va. |
Danaye Rainey&nbsp | Freshman | Greensboro, NC |
Michael Morton | Sophomore&nbsp | Elizabeth City, NC |
Melvin Perry | Senior | Belvidere, NC |
Amaquah Bonsu | Senior | Elizabeth City, NC |
Antwon Boston | Freshman | Chester, Va. |
Jeremiah Lancaster | Senior&nbsp | Southern Shores, NC |
Joseph Thornhill | Sophomore&nbsp | South Mills, NC |
Dwight Carrington | Sophomore&nbsp | Raleigh, NC |
Daniel Mason&nbsp | Sophomore | Camden, NC |
Joseph Washburn | Sophomore&nbsp&nbsp | Elizabeth City, NC |
Danny Adams | Senior | Chesapeake, Va. |