Honors Program Presents Students Programs for 2016-17
On Tuesday Oct. 4 2016 33 Elizabeth City State University students were presented as Honors Scholars during the “E is for Excellence” event held at Johnson Hall.
The director of the honors program Dr. Kenneth E. Jones hosted the program that honored the students and presented faculty and staff with presentations by Jones and the honors students.
“The honors program is designed to challenge our most highly academic students” said Jones during the presentation.
The goal of the program he said is to assist the university’s high achievers in focusing their studies and preparing them for a world beyond ECSU one that would likely include graduate school.
Addressing the moderator honor student Ama Agyapong Dr. Arnold Banerji asked how students are preparing for graduate school. Agyapong assured the natural sciences professor that with hard work time management and the guidance of professors and advisors many of the honors program students were putting their gaze on graduate programs.
Dr. Jones spoke at length about the program highlighting many of the activities these students have been and will be involved with. One of the most notable he said is the National Association of African American Honors Program conference in Nashville Tennessee.
“Three of our students will be presenting scholarly papers and we will field a debate team” said Jones.
The NAAAHP chose this year’s debate topic “Millennial College Students Should Vote for Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election.” The ECSU team pits honors freshmen against honors juniors in a debate over the wisdom of the claim. For the Tuesday presentation the team demonstrated what will hopefully be an award-winning moment for the university.
The ECSU Honors Program offers students an opportunity to compete with other universities through a number of venues including debate and academic quiz bowls. Students are also given the opportunity to participate in international studies internships and fellowships.
It is also “an honors curriculum designed to maximize your academic potential and prepare you to effectively compete as a professional upon graduation.”