G.R. Little Library renovation plans underway
Thanks to the passage of the Connect NC Bond referendum, Elizabeth City State University will begin the process of renovating the G.R. Little Library, as well as historic Moore Hall.
Last spring North Carolina voters passed the statewide referendum and ECSU is receiving $13 million for renovations of these two campus facilities. According to ECSU’s Director of Facilities and Planning, Charles Hall, within the next 30 days university officials will be interviewing designers for the beginning phase of the library renovation. By mid-September, according to Hall, ECSU will have contracted with an architectural designer to begin planning the long-awaited renovation of the library facility.
Hall says he estimates that the design process, once a designer is named, will take one year to be completed and approved. A university committee for the design and renovation of the library, and Moore Hall, will oversee the process as it moves forward. In addition, town hall meetings will be held on campus to receive input from students, faculty, and staff.
Once the design is approved, construction will begin. Hall says it is important to note that during the entire process, the library will remain open to students, faculty, staff and the public.
“It’s called occupied phased construction,” said Hall.
The renovation of the G.R. Little Library will focus on the interior of the building. The design team will create a new floor plan, updating the space to better meet the needs of students.
Hall says once a plan for the library is approved the design team will then begin working on plans for the Moore Hall renovation. He added that completion of the library renovation is estimated to happen in fall, 2018. Updates on the projects will be made as they occur, he said.