Franklin McCain speaks at ECSU ML King Speaker’s Forum
Kesha Williams
January 16 2007
Elizabeth City State University will hold the Martin Luther King Jr. Speaker’s Forum at 11 a.m. on January 18 in the Robinson Auditorium of the Mickey L. Burnim Fine Arts Center. Mr. Franklin McCain one of four North Carolina A&T State University students who in 1960 staged a sit-in at a Woolworth’s lunch counter will be the speaker. McCain earned two degrees from his alma mater and then made a career as a chemist with Hoechst Celanese Corporation in Charlotte NC. He also completed certificate and diploma programs at North Carolina State University Princeton University Farr Associates (North Carolina) and American Management Association (New York.) McCain has a lengthy list of current and past community service posts which include the following: ·Chairman of the North Carolina Committee for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc. ·Member on the Board of Visitors at Bennett College ·Elder with Memorial Presbyterian Church ·Member of the Board of Trustees at North Carolina Central University ·Member of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Black Political Caucus ·Member on the Board of Directors for the Nivens Center for the Retarded ·Teacher and mentor with Junior Achievement ·Secretary for the Board of Directors at WTVI-Channel 42 a public TV station McCain now retired is married to the former Betty Davis and together they have three sons. For more information on the speaker’s forum please call Dr. Flora Brown in the ECSU Department of History and Political Science at (252) 335-3367.