Faculty make headlines
Kesha Williams
January 03, 2005ECSU announces the following briefs of achievements by its faculty and staff: Dr. Carolyn R. Mahoney, ECSU Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, was a co-author on the National Research Council Report "On Evaluating Curricular Effectiveness: Judging the Quality of K-12 Mathematics Evaluations," Washington, DC, at the National Academies Press in May 2004. Dr. Carolyn Mahoney, ECSU Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, was an invited plenary speaker at the Education Trust annual national conference on closing the achievement gap. Her talk, entitled "Access, Retention and Completion: The ECSU Story" was delivered to national educators, community leaders and policy makers in Washington, DC in November 2004 Dr. John A. Dixon, Jr., of the Department of Special Education, was elected chairman of the Cooperative Planning Consortium (CPC) for the State of North Carolina. The CPC is charged with overseeing the Special Education Programs at all of the UNC campuses and private colleges. The CPC was instrumental in getting the UNC Board of Governors to eliminate the academic concentration for special education majors. It is also the liaison between UNC and the legislature regarding special education concerns. Dr. Emmanuel K. Ngwainmbi, of the ECSU Language, Literature, and Communication Department, has been appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Black Studies for the next three years. The Journal of Black Studies has been ranked as one of the top three journals in ethnic studies. Dr. Emmanuel K. Ngwainmbi, of the ECSU Language, Literature, and Communication Department, also presented a research paper entitled: "Glocalization, Culture and Change in West Africa" at the 16th Annual Cheikh Anta Diop International Conference in Philadelphia, PA, in October