ECSU’s G.R. Little Library Receives $200,000 Cannon Foundation Grant

As Elizabeth City State University’s G.R. Library prepares for its re-opening during the fall 2020 semester, a $200,000 grant from The Cannon Foundation will fund new furnishings for the work and lounge stations inside the facility, said Anita Walton, vice chancellor for University Advancement.
“With new furnishings, we will be able to provide students the space to collaborate, do research, and to study independently,” said Ms. Walton. “We are grateful to The Cannon Foundation for its support of ECSU and the G.R. Little Library.”
The G.R. Little Library has been undergoing upgrades to its HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems, and renovations to meet all ADA compliance building codes with $4.5 million appropriated from the Connect NC Bond referendum. Ms. Walton says while the upgrades will ensure the building is more comfortable, safe, and accessible, it did not provide for any new furnishings or equipment.
The grant from The Cannon Foundation will provide funds to purchase furniture for collaborative and quiet student workspaces, according to ECSU’s university advancement major and planned gifts officer, Teresa Lassiter.
“The library provides space for students to work and congregate and the new furnishings will be a welcome addition,” said Ms. Lassiter.
The campus library plays a critical role in the recruitment, retention, and overall success of students at the university. It is the research and social hub.
Ms. Walton says the importance of the library to the campus community cannot be understated and The Cannon Foundation grant contributes to ECSU’s pursuit of academic excellence.
“We are committed to making sure the library consists of resources and meeting spaces that directly align with the needs of our students and contribute to an environment that fosters success and academic excellence,” said Ms. Walton.
The Cannon Foundation was established in 1943 by Charles A. Cannon, President and CEO of Cannon Mills Company. The Foundation continues his philanthropic legacy by funding capital and equipment projects for organizations across Mr. Cannon’s home state of North Carolina.