ECSU Women’s Center to Prevent Violent Crime receives receives new grant
Kesha Williams
April 25, 2006 A new grant, $175,268, from the national Office on Violence Against Women will help the Elizabeth City State University Women’s Center to Prevent Violent Crime train participants to prevent and respond to violent crimes. The grant will support training programs designed to develop and strengthen effective responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking crimes on campus and in the Albemarle. Over the next two years, the project will inform students, university personnel, and the community about violence against women provide educational programming to all incoming students enhance training of ECSU Campus Police and the university judicial boards for effective responses to incidents involving violence against women and support the newly organized Women’s Center to Prevent Violent Crime. The project is part of an overall coordinated campus and community response to violence against women. Project partners are the ECSU Campus Police and Albemarle Hopeline, a local organization dedicated to serving victims of family violence, sexual assault, and teen dating violence. For more information about the project or violence against women, please contact Lynn Barnes, an ECSU professor in Criminal Justice and the project director and principal investigator, 252 -335-3423. You may send messages by e-mail to the Women’s Center to Prevent Violent Crime at