ECSU Sponsored Programs Hosts Grant Info Session with Washington D.C.-Based Grant Resource Center
Grant Resource Center representative Erika Thompson, center, joins Sponsored Programs staff Candice Hill, left, John Raynor, back-left, George Cox, back-right, Annemarie Delgado, front-left, and Vandalyn Ray for a two-part session on federal grant opportunities Sept. 19.
Elizabeth City State University’s Office of Sponsored Programs has been working to develop relationships and bring more grants to the institution. On Sept. 19, that work was promoted through a visit from the Washington D.C.-based Grants Resource Center (GRC).
According to the director of Sponsored Programs, Annemarie Delgado, GRC’s Erika Thompson held a two-part session to help ECSU learn about agency updates and funding opportunities.
Ms. Thompson met in the morning with faculty and conducted private consultations to discuss their funding interests. Later in the day, she held an open session on federal funding priorities, agency initiatives, federal programs and deadlines.
“The GRC is only visiting with a handful of colleges and universities this semester so we were fortunate to be able to host them,” said Ms. Delgado.
ECSU has been a long-standing member of the GRC. The organization is a non-profit that supports the research and sponsored programs of higher education institutions.
It is a unit of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASU). The AASU provides institutions with tools, services and expertise to improve and increase success in securing competitive grants from federal and private sponsors.
“Their visit is part of Sponsored Program’s overall mission to provide our faculty and staff with as much timely information on the latest grant opportunities and agency priorities as possible,” said Ms. Delgado.
As reported last July, funding for competitive awards at ECSU has exceeded $5 million.
Ms. Delgado, said that at the end of the 2019 fiscal year, ECSU received 32 awards totaling more than $5 million, a substantial increase over last year’s $4 million mark.
According to Ms. Delgado, grant funding included programs such as Upward Bound, public broadcasting, aviation science, STEM education, research on African-America history and more.
“In addition, ECSU faculty garnered some very prestigious awards this year from sponsors such as the Institute of Museum and Library Services for a study on African-American Cultural Heritage, from the U.S Department of Education for studies of coastal habitats, and an award from the National Science Foundation to further research in plant science,” said Ms. Delgado.
The ECSU Office of Sponsored Programs has been working with faculty and staff to expand competitive grant opportunities, and offer support through the process. Their efforts, in collaboration with faculty, has resulted in high-profile grant awards that bring new research opportunities to campus, offering faculty and students a broader range of opportunities and ECSU more exposure throughout the world of higher education.
Ms. Delgado said that when faculty members write for grants, they will include students as part of their proposals. This means that when a grant is awarded, not only do faculty members receive research funding, undergraduate and graduate students also receive support and opportunities to work on research projects.
Including students in research affords ECSU students the opportunity to gain valuable experience. That experience can be translated into qualifying for graduate work, as well as career experience, said Ms. Delgado.