ECSU names Attorney Earl T. Brown Trustee Emeritus
Kesha Williams
December 20, 2005 The Elizabeth City State University Board of Trustees recently named Attorney Earl T. Brown Trustee Emeritus. Attorney Brown is the principal owner of the Law Office of Earl. T. Brown, P.C. in Greenville, N. C. where he resides. He specializes in the areas of juvenile defense, criminal defense, personal injury, worker compensation and medical malpractice and he is sworn to practice before the US Supreme and Federal District Courts. He is also a Superior Court Certified Mediator and court approved arbitrator. Governor James Hunt appointed him to serve on the ECSU Board of Trustees where he served eight years ending in 2005. As a Trustee Emeritus, he will have the privileges of a non-voting member. The ECSU Board of Trustees is comprised of 13 members. Eight are elected by the UNC Board of Governors and four are appointed by the governor. Trustees are responsible for promoting the sound development of the university, advising the UNC Board of Governors of matters fiscally pertaining to ECSU and advising the Chancellor on the development of the university.