ECSU Hosts UNC Board of Governors Meeting on Campus

ECSU Chancellor Karrie Dixon addresses a luncheon during the first day of the UNC System Board of Governors meeting held at the K.E. White Center Thursday, Nov. 14.
It’s been at least 25 years since the University of North Carolina System Board of Governors held a regular board meeting on the campus of Elizabeth City State University. That’s according to ECSU Chancellor Karrie Dixon in an address given to the governors on Thursday, Nov. 14.
“We have a story to tell here at ECSU,” said Chancellor Dixon. “Some have called it miraculous. All of you in this room have done something one way or another to support ECSU.”
Those were Chancellor Dixon’s opening remarks during a luncheon Thursday. Members of the Board of Governors, UNC System staff, and chancellors from several UNC System constituent universities attended the first day of committee meetings held at the K.E. White Center. The full board meeting will be held at the center Friday, Nov. 15.
Chancellor Dixon pointed out the successes of ECSU over the past 18 months, the length of time she has been at the university. “The work has been intentional and focused.”
That work, which she illustrated in a slide presentation, has focused on one primary factor, students.
“Our students are what makes me excited when I wake up in the mornings,” she said.
Chancellor Dixon stressed the importance of ECSU to the region and the state. The region, she said, is home to 43 percent of the state’s Tier 1 counties – Tier 1 represents the poorest counties in the state.
“We have an impact,” she said. “When we rise, everyone rises.”
Since Chancellor Dixon’s arrival, the student population has increased by 500. And during that time, the academic programs have grown, enrollment strategies have changed, campus operations have evolved, and the campus aesthetics have improved.
The beautification of the campus, as well as building improvements, have been, in large part, due to the support of the UNC System and its governors, she said. Because of strategic investments in ECSU’s future, Chancellor Dixon said the campus presents a strong first impression.
“The students are excited about the progress,” she said. “The landscaping is just a start.”
The university also has been visually branded with its signature Royal Blue paint, new signs, new sidewalks, new courtyards, increased student activities and more. All of this points to the importance of student life and ultimately student success.
Chancellor Dixon said where students were once looking at ECSU as a second or third choice school, they are now looking at the institution as a first choice school. From the N.C. Promise Tuition Program bringing lower costs for a high quality education, to the state’s only four-year aviation program, and so much more, ECSU is “forging a future” of sustainable growth.
Chancellor Dixon emphasized the importance of the support ECSU has received from the Board of Governors. She said it is with their support, and the support of the UNC System staff, that ECSU’s faculty, staff, and students are looking to that sustainable future.
“ECSU is rising,” she said.