ECSU Hosts Advance Screening of ‘Tell Them We Are Rising’

On Monday, Feb. 19 two important programs will air on UNC-TV, North Carolina’s PBS station, and Elizabeth City State University is holding an advance screening for one, while participating in the other.
The premier of the Independent Lens documentary, “Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Black Colleges & Universities,” happens that evening at 10 p.m. on the local PBS station, however ECSU and the surrounding community will have an opportunity to participate in an advance screening, followed by a discussion, beginning at 4:30 p.m.
“Tell Them We Are Rising” examines and celebrates the unique and important history of HBCUs in America.
The event will happen at the K.E. White Center and begin at 4:30 p.m. with a reception and tours of the Leadership Legacy Room and the ECSU Legacy Room. The advance screening of “Tell Them We Are Rising” will begin at 5:30 p.m. through 7 p.m., followed by a discussion, “HBCUs: Past, Present, and Future,” from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Later that evening, and not affiliated with the advance screening, UNC-TV will air the special program, “HBCUs Legacy & Leadership: A Black Issues Forum Special Presentation,” at 9 p.m. This special program features interviews with ECSU Chancellor Thomas Conway and two professors, Dr. Margaret Young and Dr. Kuldeep Rawat.
North Carolina is second in the nation in the number of HBCUs. Today, how are HBCUs doing in North Carolina and how do they remain relevant and vital options for students? These and other timely topics surrounding HBCUs will be discussed during, “HBCUs Legacy & Leadership: A Black Issues Forum Special Presentation.”
This special broadcast will not only include interviews from ECSU, but also a roundtable discussion featuring leaders from seven North Carolina HBCUs. The list of participants includes former ECSU chancellor, and current Livingstone College president, Dr. Jimmy R. Jenkins Sr.
The forum is hosted by UNC-TV producer and on-air personality, Deborah Holt Noel.