ECSU Foundation holds Golf Challenge on September 12
Kesha Williams
August 24, 2009
The Elizabeth City State University Foundation will hold its annual Scholarship Golf Challenge at 9 a.m. on September 12 at The Pines, 1525 North Road Street. The fee for a four-person team, $800, includes green and cart fees, golf shirt, breakfast (Golden Corral) and lunch. Other fees include the Hole Sponsor fee, $300 — signage at designated a hole, and the two-person Mulligan fee of $10. The Golf Team Registration form is due by August 31 and is available on the university Web site, and at The Pines. The Golf Challenge is sponsored by McDonald’s. Participants must present breakfast ticket prior to entry at Golden Corral. This event is part of the ECSU Sports Hall of Fame Weekend. For more information on the ECSU Foundation Golf Challenge, call the ECSU Office of Institutional Advancement, 252-335-3225.