Dr. Coray Davis is New ECSU Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Elizabeth City State University is the perfect setting for Dr. Coray Davis, the new Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. He says the ECSU campus, and its intimate and family-oriented environment, reflects his time as an undergraduate studying mechanical engineering at South Carolina State University.
“It’s the perfect fit for me in terms of size,” Davis said of ECSU. “It’s a familiar setting.”
Davis launched into his work as the new associate vice chancellor on July 9. And this work is clearly a passion for the 40-year old engineering professor and academic administrator.
“I look at this as a holistic process,” Davis said of his role as vice chancellor. “I want to make sure students are prepared on the front end, mentoring and measuring their progress. On the back end, prepare them for careers.”
Davis is most recently one of 42 American Council on Education fellows. As a fellow, he has been working with North Carolina A&T under the guidance of Chancellor Harold Martin, participating in that university’s Executive Leadership Development Program.
His background in higher education includes academic advising, assessment and accreditation, curriculum and program development, athletics administration – he has a great passion for sports – judicial affairs, recruiting, grants and contracts, student leadership, and new student orientation. Most recently he served as the department chair and tenured professor of engineering and technology at Virginia State University.
Davis says since his arrival earlier this month, he has been working directly with ECSU Provost Van Newkirk, looking at university “strengths and developing strong goals.”
“I’m looking at opportunities to support the university in terms of curriculum and academics and the advisement process,” he said.
All of this work is, he says, for the students. And as a new semester approaches, and a wave of new freshmen prepare to commit themselves to life as university students, Davis has a few words of advice for them.
“Establish relationships, meet faculty, and know where your support is,” he says. “Be aware of your surroundings and don’t be afraid to ask questions.”
Beyond the office of Academic Affairs, Davis says he knows the importance of community and the university’s relationship to the overall well being of the region. He says he is looking forward to working on economic development, and engaging with companies in the area for the sake of students and internships, as well as future careers.
Davis says he hopes to participate on local boards that work to bring new business to the region.
“Looking at how you build the region to help the region, and to help the students,” he said.
Davis earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from South Carolina State University and a master’s degree and doctorate in civil engineering from Morgan State University.