Chancellor’s Letter to the ECSU Campus Community

September 18, 2018
Dear Vikings,
Welcome back to campus. While Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) and the immediate surrounding communities did not sustain major damage during Hurricane Florence, many of our family, friends, UNC campuses and other areas of the state experienced a significant impact from the storm.
As we look ahead at the recovery for much of our state, here are a couple of things we should keep in mind:
• Remember that your safety and well-being are our number one priority. Travel in some areas of the state remains treacherous, and we urge you to be safe and use caution while traveling the many North Carolina roads and highways.
• Although classes resumed as of 8 a.m. today, we are aware that some of our students are unable to return to campus at this time. If you have extenuating circumstances due to the storm, contact Dr. Coray Davis, Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, at or 252-335-2880. ECSU is prepared to work with you during this challenging time.
I would also like to take this time to thank our Viking staff and faculty for their timely work to ensure the safety of our campus community. The work of our Emergency Management Team and all of our staff members who assisted during the storm demonstrates genuine Viking pride.
Moving forward, we are dedicated to ensuring that each member of the campus community stays informed and has direct access to whatever services are required to address challenges as they arise. In addition, because Vikings believe in service to our community both near and far, we will update you of opportunities to assist our fellow North Carolinians during the long recovery road ahead.
Together, we can make a difference!
Karrie G. Dixon, Ed.D.
Interim Chancellor