Bartlett serves as Vice Chair of the UNC Staff Assembly
Kesha Williams
October 31, 2011
The President of the ECSU Staff Senate, Pernell Bartlett, has been elected to serve as Vice Chair of the UNC Staff Assembly, the elected body of representatives of the staff of the seventeen campuses of the University of North Carolina, UNC Public Television, The North Carolina Arboretum, and General Administration. The goal of this senate is to improve communications, understanding, and morale throughout the whole of their respective communities, and to increase efficiency and productivity in campus operations.&nbsp Each university has the same representation, a chairman and three delegates.&nbsp&nbspThey represent over 32,000 staff of the University of North Carolina.
Bartlett will serve a two-year term with the UNC Staff Assembly. Bartlett has been employed at ECSU for 12 years and he is serving in his first term ECSU Staff Senate. He represents&nbsp 401 staff at ECSU.
"During this period of economic uncertainly in which the state of North Carolina and the institutions of the University of North Carolina System are facing monumental challenges, it is most humbling to have been elected by my peers to serve as Vice Chair to the UNC Staff Assembly," Bartlett said. "I consider it an honor and a privilege to assist the Chair of the UNC Staff Assembly, Staff Assembly members and the 32,000 staff employees of the UNC system in creating a fulfilling work environment."
For more information on the UNC Staff Senate, see