Ambassador Bismarck Myrick speaks for ECSU-MLK assembly
Kesha Williams
January 12, 2005 Elizabeth City State University will hold its annual assembly in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at 11 a.m., January 19, in the Floyd L. Robinson Auditorium of the Fine Arts Complex. The speaker for the event is Bismarck Myrick, the former U.S. ambassador to the Republic of Liberia (1999-2002) and the former ambassador to the Kingdom of Lesotho (1995-1998). Myrick, a Portsmouth, Va. native, has a lengthy track record of work with the U.S. government. He served as a Department of State Action Officer in the Office of Strategic Nuclear Policy Chairman of the Interagency Working Group on Nuclear Testing Arms Control the Department of State’s Representative to Nuclear Testing Experts Talks with the Russians Deputy Director of Policy Plans and Coordination in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs a supervisor of U.S. security programs for South America and the Caribbean and Country Officer for Somalia. Currently, Myrick teaches political science and history at Old Dominion University. He also teaches military officers as Senior Fellow at the Joint Forces Staff College. Other previous positions of college instruction include director of African Studies at the School of International Studies (Ft. Bragg, NC) and a political science instructor at the Atlanta University Center (1998-1999). Myrick is also a veteran who earned the Silver Star, two Bronze stars for heroism in combat, two Bronze stars for meritorious service in a combat environment, the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Service Medal the Parachutist Badge and Combat Infantry Badge.In 1996, Myrick was inducted into the Army’s Hall of Fame at Ft. Benning, Ga. Myrick graduated with honors from the University of Tampa before earning a M.A. degree from Syracuse University. He completed additional graduate studies as a Syracuse Fellow.