Gilchrists win Dancing Under the Stars contest for Albemarle Area United Way
Kesha Williams
March 07, 2011
It was a night of dazzling dance moves and fancy footwork at the K. E. White Graduate Center, but ECSU Chancellor Willie Gilchrist and his wife Jacqueline were the brightest stars under the sky. They also led the teams of contestants in dollars raised for the Albemarle Area United Way’s fundraiser, "Dancing Under the Stars." The event was held on February 26, 2011.
The other contestants included Andy Montero and Diana "Donnie Gardner representing Montero’s Restaurant, Doug Gardner and Jan McCormick, representing College of the Albemarle, and Mayor Roger Mclean and Angela Gary, representing the City of Elizabeth City.
The Gilchrists led the contestants in dollars raised. Albemarle Area United Way raised over $7,000 that will be used support 24 charities across the Albemarle. Susan Hoskins, executive director the Albemarle Area United Way said the event was a fun way for area residents to participate in fundraising. Organizers made great attempts to operate an event that the audience and participants would recognize as modeled by the famous TV show, "Dancing With the Stars."
"We were looking to do a signature event that hasn’t been done in this area that was fun. We needed something different from the usual auction and golf tournament," Hoskins said. "It will take the spot of our golf tournament that we used to have in the spring.&nbsp This fundraiser will help 24 partner agencies that Albemarle Area United Way supports in the nine counties."
Hoskins also said she was grateful for the help of their "celebrity judges," Dr. Denauvo Robinson of Smart Start Stephanie Harrell of Catholic Charities and Pat Youngblood of Albemarle Hopeline.
Hoskins was particularly grateful for the help of Gretchen Allen, from the South Hampton Roads United Way who brought 15 dancers from that region to entertain the audience after the local contestants’ competed. The Dancing Under the Stars Committee included participants from Albemarle Hospital, Albemarle Area United Way,&nbsp BB&ampT, ECSU, First Citizens Bank, The Daily Advance, Seiligs’, Twiford Funeral Home, William E. Wood Realty.