The Great Decisions Lecture Series held on Tuesdays
Kesha Williams
February 11, 2013
Join ECSU professors for eight of the most thought-provoking foreign policy topics facing Americans during the Great Decisions Lecture Series. The Foreign Policy Association spearheads the series. Universities, civic clubs, church groups and more host the series for citizens and students who gather to explore the same topics. ECSU has hosted the series for the past 14 years. The Great Decision Lecture Series allows participants to exchange views about global challenges and to identify creative responses to these challenges. The Political Science Department at Elizabeth City State University takes pride in offering this series of foreign policy discussions. The public is welcome to participate in the discussion held at 3:30 p.m. on select Tuesdays in room #246 of Moore Hall. For more information, contact Dr. Boansi, 335-3332. The discussion topics, the professor leading the discussion and dates follow:
Egypt | Dr. Kwabena Boansi | February 12 |
Threat Assessment | Dr. Jingbin Wang | February 19 |
China In Africa | Dr. Ebere Oriaku | February 26 |
Humanitarian Intervention | Dr. Margery Coulson-Clark | March 5 |
NATO | Dr. Naginder Dhillon | March 12 |
Future of the Euro | Dr. Glen Bowman | March 26 |
Myanmar | Dr. Charles Reed | April 2 |
Iran | Dr. Shahid Shahidullah | April 9 |
For more information on the Foreign Policy Association, see the following link: