Five ECSU Students Awarded 2023 Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship

The Federal Highway Administration, an agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation, has awarded five Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) students research fellowships as part of the 2023 Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program.
According to Kuldeep Rawat, Ph.D., dean of science, aviation, health and technology and principal investigator for the Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship grant at ECSU, four undergraduate students and one graduate student will benefit from the program. Each student will engage in research projects and be mentored by faculty in their respective disciplines. Four ECSU fellows attended the 2023 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Conference from January 8-11, 2023, in Washington, D.C. , and presented their research posters. The TRB conference is one of the largest transportation-related conferences in the world. The fellowship program has three objectives: 1) attract the nation’s brightest minds; 2) enhance the careers of transportation professionals by encouraging them to seek advanced degrees; and 3) retain the United States’ top talent in the transportation industry.
ECSU fellowship awardees and their total award amounts are:
· Jonathon Huber: Senior, Major- Aviation Science/Unmanned Aircraft Systems – $10,000
· Chancellor Huggins: Senior, Major- Engineering Technology – $8,500
· Shanee Hamilton: First Year, Master of Science, Major, Mathematics – $7,000
· Danny Clipper: Senior, Major- Aviation Science/ Unmanned Aircraft Systems – $5,500
· Etavian Stokes: Sophomore, Major- Aviation Science – $4,000
“Attending the 2023 TRB Annual Conference was an excellent opportunity to present our research, as well as see much of the transportation research being done around the world,” said Huber, a student fellow. “The conference gave me perspective on the diversity of topics being researched in the transportation sector.”
“During the TRB Annual Conference, students networked with fellow recipients, as well as representatives from federal and state agencies, policymakers and transportation experts,” said Rawat. Attendees also participated in workshops and presentations that covered a wide range of emerging transportation topics.