Elizabeth City State University Chancellor’s Search Webpage Goes Live
As part of the search process for ECSU’s new chief officer, a webpage has been launched to provide detailed and up-to-date information about the search. The site link is posted at the top bar of the university homepage, www.ecsu.edu, or can be accessed directly by going to https://www.ecsu.edu/about/governance/chancellor-search/index.html .
The page provides a statement from the search committee chair, Harold Barnes, as well as a list of search committee members.
For those interested in a detailed description of the search process, a page is provided, outlining not only the process but also the policies surrounding the search.
Public forums requesting input on the next chancellor have begun and continue through September. A list of forums and their times and locations is provided.
National search firm Isaacson, Miller has been contracted to conduct the search. A page is dedicated to the firm’s corporate bio as well as the bios of individuals working with ECSU.
A link to the ECSU newsroom and the various stories and press releases surrounding the search is also available.
One of the features most requested is the commenting section. People are invited to provide comments and feedback on the page, including participation in an online survey.
For those people who would like to either apply or nominate an individual for the top job, a link is provided at the bottom of the page.