ECSU Middle and High School Summer Programs Kick Off in June

Dr. Ellis Lawrence speaks with high school students during the 2017 Summer Transportation Institute. The program introduces students to potential STEM career opportunities.
As the summer heat begins to creep up on the campus at Elizabeth City State University, the typical buzz of fall and spring semesters subsides, making way for an annual influx of possible future Vikings, middle and high school students looking for something more to their summer days.
At ECSU, summer days for these young students can be spent in programs ranging from mathematics and remote sensing, to basketball camp. Here is a look at what summers at ECSU has to offer these middle and high school students:
Pathways in Mathematics Education and Remote Sensing (PiMERS) Middle School Program
Rising 7th & 8th Graders Non-Residential
June 18-29, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Contact: Dr. Roger Hathaway 252-335-3696 or
Description: Pathways in Mathematics Education and Remote Sensing (PiMERS) represents a joint effort between ECSU and NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). In addition, the Association of Computer and Information Science/Engineering Departments at Minority Institutions (ADMI) representing 54 MSIs will support this contribution to the NASA national efforts for achieving excellence in STEM education. PiMERS is a two-year project, which contributes to the effective implementation of NASA’s educational goals and objectives using NASA’s unique assets and capabilities in Mathematics Education and Remote Sensing. In addition, PiMERS will provide the opportunity to include the areas of computational chemistry and aviation, through the PiMERS Advisory Board, future strategy sessions and NASA LaRC research seminars.
Pathways in Mathematics Education and Remote Sensing (PiMERS) Leadership Academy for Young Men
Rising 9th Graders to College Level Students Non-Residential
July 16-25, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Contact: Dana Poole 252-335-3475
Description: Pathways in Mathematics Education and Remote Sensing (PiMERS) represents a joint effort between ECSU and NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). In addition, the Association of Computer and Information Science/Engineering Departments at Minority Institutions (ADMI) representing 54 MSIs will support this contribution to the NASA national efforts for achieving excellence in STEM education. PiMERS is a two-year project, which contributes to the effective implementation of NASA’s educational goals and objectives using NASA’s unique assets and capabilities in Mathematics Education and Remote Sensing. In addition, PiMERS will provide the opportunity to include the areas of computational chemistry and aviation, through the PiMERS Advisory Board, future strategy sessions and NASA LaRC research seminars.
Upward Bound
9th – 12th Graders Residential
June 24 – Aug. 4
Mrs. Quay Dozier 252-335-3368
Dr. Kimberly Stanley 252-335-3370
Description: The purpose of the Upward Bound Program is to generate in its participants, the skills and motivation necessary to persist in, enter into and complete a program of secondary andpost-secondary education. The summer instructional component is a six week intensive academic, vocational and social development program designed to establish and maintain excellence in education. Students receive the opportunity to live on the university campus and participate in cultural enrichment activities which provide students with insights and experiences that will generate the motivation necessary to proceed with furthering their education.
Summer 2018 NASA MUREP Aerospace Academy “A Mission to Mars”
6-8th Grade Non-Residential Camp
(No Cost)
June 18 – June 22, 2018
Dr. Kuldeep Rawat 252-335-3846
Ms. Tonya Little 252-217-3711
Description: The NASA MUREP Aerospace Academy program at Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) is collaborating with NEAAAT to offer four satellite, non-residential, aerospace academy camps on ECSU campus. These camps will draw students from eight neighboring counties. Camps are only open to NEAAAT students.
The Minority University Research and Education Project will adopt a well-established NASA STEM curriculum with problem-based learning at its core charged with the commitment to increase STEM exposure of underserved and underrepresented students in grades K– 12. This week —long structured STEM enrichment program engages middle school students in activities that improve their analytical skills within science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Participants will develop and strengthen the skills and knowledge needed for success in STEM studies and STEM Careers.
This year’s theme “A Mission to Mars” will use STEM skills to design, construct, and simulate a virtual trip to Mars utilizing activities through both individual and group work with cooperative learning that reinforces hands-on and classroom learning.
Summer 2018 NASA MUREP Aerospace Academy &Aviation Education Career (ACE) Academy
9-12th Grade Residential Camp
(No Cost)
June 17 – June 22 or
July 8 – 13
Dr. Kuldeep Rawat 252-335-3846
Mr. Orestes Gooden 252-335-3822
Description: The goal of the program is to improve STEM knowledge and skills by engaging students, family members and teachers through integration of emerging technologies. Activities during summer will introduce students to STEM fields to careers in aerospace through a balanced mix of theory, hands-on activities, field trips, and guest seminars/lectures. The project will adopt a well-established NASA curriculum with problem- based learning at its core and integrate 3D printing technology, sensor-based measurement systems, and mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) design activities to enhance authentic and experiential learning experiences.
2018 ECSU Summer Transportation Institute (STI)
11th & 12th Grade Non-Residential
(No Cost)
June 11 – July 9, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Dr. Ellis Lawrence 252-340-3446
Dr. Kuldeep Rawat 252-335-3846
Description: The primary goal of STI at ECSU is to introduce high school students to the potential STEM career opportunities that exist in the area of transportation. Activities will include classroom instruction and laboratory experiments. Field trips will expose the students to a wide variety of careers in transportation while emphasizing the importance of mastering a STEM education.
Radio & Television Services Camp SOAR 2018
Rising 7th, 8th, and 9th Graders
July 15-18,
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily
Location: Walter N. & Henrietta B. Ridley Student Center, ECSU
Ms. Melba Smith 252-335-3985
Description: Camp SOAR 2018 is a three-day, three-night fun-filled residential program geared to help cultivate your young Leader and prepare her for a successful future! This unique program will take rising 7th, 8th and 9th grade young ladies on a journey to self-empowerment through engaging and exciting discussions, activities, and sessions dedicated to health and wellness, financial literacy, and career exploration.
Program Fee: Visit us online at
Contact: More information is available at or call (571) 208-2526.
Vikings Enhancing STEM Innovation and Collaboration (VESTEMic)
Pre-Viking Boot Camp for Incoming STEM Freshmen – Residential
July 9 – 13
Dr. Gloria Payne 252-335-3244
Dr. Harry Bass 252-335-3189
Description: Selected participants will come to ECSU to attend a one-week residential program to transition into campus life. During this time, students will participate in the following activities: First-Year Survival Workshops, Orientation to the G.R. Little Library, Critical Thinking Exercises, Computational Tools, Overview of Plans of Study, Blackboard Course Management System, Time Management, and Health and Wellness. Participants will be assigned a faculty, peer, and/or alumni mentor. Parents will participate in a half-day orientation session which will allow them to experience a typical day of a STEM major.
Boys’ Basketball Summer Camps
June 25-28 | July 16-20 | July 23-26
Monday – Thursday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
R.L. Vaughan Center
Fee: $99
Ages: 7-15
ECSU Dept. of Athletics 252-335-3387
Description: Elizabeth City State University Basketball is geared toward teaching fundamental skills while promoting an atmosphere of fun and competitive basketball under the supervision of college coaches and players. They will participate in drills, 5 on 5 games, competitions and daily demonstrations. There will be a break in the middle of the day for lunch. All campers will receive a camp t-shirt, camp basketball and a camp certificate. Space is limited.
Extended Care is also available
Time: 3–5 p.m.
Fee: $60 for the week