ECSU holds grant writing workshop on July 18
Posted On July 16, 2013
Kesha Williams
July 16, 2013
The Office of Sponsored Programs, Contracts and Grants at Elizabeth City State University will hold a webinar, "Winning Proposals," from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on July 18 in room #104/105 of McLendon Hall. Due to limited seating, advance registration is recommended. During this webinar, Hanover Research Grants Consultants will offer practical tips for proposal planning and production, from project design to communication with funders. You will gain a big picture perspective on how to pitch your innovative project to both federal and foundation competitions. What You’ll Learn:
- An introduction to grant proposal production for public and private funders
- A basic understanding of how to tailor your proposal to different kinds of funders
- Common priorities and expectations of funders
- Effective strategies for communicating with funders
- Elements of effective project planning and design with proposal production in mind
Who Should Attend:
- Grants and development professionals looking to better understand the basics of federal and foundation grant writing
- Staff members who are involved in any component of the grant seeking or grants management effort
- Principal investigators, grant writers, and grant management teams
For more information, contact Sarah Roberts, 252-335-3250,