Community Business, Student Entrepreneurs Highlighted During Homecoming Week Expos
Two separate Vikings Unleashed ECSU Homecoming 2019 events aim to highlight community business relations and student innovation on Friday, Oct. 18.
The return of Paint the Town Blue Business Expo will bring area businesses and the Elizabeth City State University community together, and the Student Government Association sponsored Student Entrepreneur Expo will showcase Viking innovation.
According to Ke’Shya Bryant, the SGA’s recording secretary, the Student Entrepreneur Expo aims to let students connect with other students and promote their business ideas.
“This event is an extravagant start for our students who are looking forward to expanding their brand,” says Ms. Bryant.
Ms. Bryant says student entrepreneurs are busy on the ECSU campus developing ideas and creating business opportunities. At the expo, attendees will see seven student vendors promoting a range of products that include hair bundles, clothing, and make-up.
She says the SGA is excited about the event and looks forward to helping fellow Vikings promote their dreams.
“We hope that each student is successful during this process and gains knowledge that will assist them with their future endeavors,” said Ms. Bryant.
The Student Entrepreneur Expo happens on Friday, Oct. 18, from 5-8 p.m. inside the Vaughan Center.
While student entrepreneurs will be preparing for their evening event, area businesses will be busy promoting their wares and services at the annual Paint the Town Blue Business Expo. According to Russ Haddad, ECSU’s director of community and economic engagement, the event is an opportunity to promote the Elizabeth City community to the ECSU campus community, bringing “town and gown” together.
“This is a great opportunity for the community to come to campus and engage with students,” said Mr. Haddad.
Last year’s event saw a variety of area businesses such as Albemarle Sentara Medical Center, the YMCA, and service organizations such as Albemarle Hopeline. Mr. Haddad says the event will be well attended this year and the community is anticipating a successful expo.
“Businesses and business support organizations such as the Elizabeth City Area Chamber of Commerce, are excited to show what services they provide to students,” said Mr. Haddad. “They see this as a unique experience to meet the students.”
Last year students attending the business expo expressed enthusiasm. Students such as Trinity Harris, an elementary education major, saw the expo as an opportunity to engage with the Elizabeth City community.
Ms. Harris said during her freshman year, she stayed close to campus. However, the expo gave her the opportunity branch out beyond campus.
“I’m learning a lot about the businesses and places,” said Ms. Harris.
Students attending will see more than 20 businesses and organizations at the expo, according to Mr. Haddad. The Paint the Town Blue Business Expo happens Friday, Oct. 18, from 2-4 p.m. at the Ridley Student Center.