ECSU Committed to Working with SACSCOC
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – On the heels of the UNC-General Administration’s internal audit report on admissions and financial aid standards at Elizabeth City State University, released earlier this year, the Southern Association of Colleges has placed the university on public warning while it implements recommended changes.
The notification came after the SACSCOC board of trustees met on Thursday, June 17. The board voted to place ECSU on warning status until the university fulfills its commitment to UNC-GA to correct issues of concern found in the audit. ECSU is committed to having all of UNC-GA’s recommendations in place by Dec. 15, 2016.
In the internal audit report, it was recommended that ECSU implement staff training, departmental policy and procedure manuals, and quality control procedures to ensure compliance with appropriate policies and regulations. With the appointment earlier this year of an enrollment management veteran with three decades of experience, ECSU is working hard to implement the recommendations that will create a stronger financial aid and admissions infrastructure.
“The issues identified in the UNC system internal audit are legitimate accredited body concerns because these bodies have a role in verifying institutions’ adherence to a prescribed set of standards,” said ECSU Chancellor Thomas Conway. “We are committed to continuing on a path toward implementing policies and procedures which adhere to the highest standards of the SACSCOC and the UNC system. We thank SACSCOC for their role and support in this process.”
According to SACSCOC, a warning is the least of its public sanctions. It is imposed by its board of trustees following the determination of non-compliance with core requirements, comprehensive standards or the federal requirements of SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation.