Bangladesh Ambassador to the U.S. speaks at Founders Day Luncheon
Posted On March 15, 2010
Kesha Williams
March 15, 2010
Members of the ECSU Board of Trustees welcome His Excellency Akramul Qader, ambassador of Bangladesh to the United States, as the guest speaker for the Founders Day luncheon. The ambassador congratulated ECSU on 119 years of public higher education. He was one of many guests who attended the Founders Day annual assembly. Standing left to right front row: ECSU Trustee Ernest Sutton, His Excellency Akramul Qader and his wife Riffat Akram, Dr. Sultana Khan back row: ECSU Trustee R. Eugene Rogers, ECSU Trustee Harold Mitchell, and Dr. Ali Khan, provost and vice chancellor of Academic Affairs.